Leading Groups Online: a down-and-dirty guide to leading online courses, meetings, trainings, and events

Published 2024/ Book

Published 2020 Available in Polish, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean Jeanne Rewa and Daniel Hunter swiftly wrote this booklet for this moment. Using their combined two decades of online facilitation, Jeanne and Daniel walk you through the basics of how to lead sessions online. They give you their top 10 principles for leading online groups, introduce you to interactive tools you can lead online, and answer commonly asked questions. With this guide,

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Climate Resistance Handbook: Or, I was part of a climate action. Now what?

Published 2019/ Book

Published 2019 If you’re wondering how to build a powerful, strategic movement that can make big wins for climate action, this is your guide. The Climate Resistance Handbook brings together a wealth of learnings from the climate justice movement. It starts with breaking social myths about how social movements win. Then dives into campaign tools and frameworks you can use. It closes with how to grow your group and use creative, impactful actions

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Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow: An Organizing Guide

Published 2015/ Book

Published 2015 Available in English and Spanish Ideal for individuals and groups wishing to go deeper with Michelle Alexander’s acclaimed book, The New Jim Crow, these two booklets can be used independently of one another or as a companion set.The study guide provides a launching pad for groups wishing to engage in deep, meaningful dialogue about race, racism, and structural inequality in the age of mass incarceration. Meanwhile, the accessible organizing

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Cómo Construir Un Movimiento Social Para Abolir El Nuevo Jim Crow: Guía Para La Organización Comunitaria

Published 2014/ Book

ADQUIERA SU COPIA AQUÍ -O- DESCARGUE GRATIS LA VERSIÓN EN PDF Esta guía para la organización comunitaria es una contundente respuesta al llamado a la acción hecho por el aclamado libro de Michelle Alexander “El Nuevo Jim Crow”. Lleva a sus manos herramientas que usted y su grupo pueden usar para impulsar un cambio social realmente significativo y efectivo. Aprenda cuál es su rol en la construcción de movimientos sociales y

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Strategy & Soul: a campaign tale of fighting billionaires, corrupt officials, and Philadelphia casinos

Published 2013/ Book

Published 2013 Also available: Strategy & Soul Reader’s Guide A campaigner’s tale of fighting billionaires, corrupt officials, and Philadelphia Casinos. This riveting David versus Goliath story is a rare first-person narrative, giving unparalleled access to the behind-the-scenes of the Casino-Free Philadelphia campaign: the fervent worrying in late-night meetings, yelling matches behind church benches, and last-minute action planning outside judges’ chambers. It’s in the heat of these moments that the nuances of

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Beautiful Trouble: a toolbox for the revolution

Published 2012/ Book

Published 2012 Beautiful Trouble is a book and web toolbox that puts the accumulated wisdom of decades of creative protest into the hands of the next generation of change-makers. Daniel Hunter provided several articles on tactics used during the Casino-Free Philadelphia campaign and elsewhere. Visit book website: Beautiful Trouble

We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Military in the 21st Century America

Published 2012/ Book

Published in 2012 We Have Not Been Moved, edited by Elizabeth Martinez, Matt Meyer and Mandy Carter, is a compendium of writings addressing the two leading pillars of U.S. Empire. The book reprints Daniel Hunter’s “Open Letter to Diversity Trainers”, challenging their “race to the bottom” and “minimum coverage” with increasingly short workshops. Visit book website: We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Military in the 21st Century America

Before you Enlist And After You Say No: counter-recruitment guide

Published 2011/ Book

Published 2011 This counter-recruitment training manual was collated by Daniel Hunter and Hannah Strange, commissioned by the American Friends Service Committee. The blow-by-blow tips for facilitators, coupled with detailed background reading for both trainers and participants, set the scene for powerful and participatory learning. Many of the 85 participatory exercises are useful for a wide range of social change contexts – not only counter-recruitment work. Visit book website: Before You Enlist

Direct Action Manual: or why you might stand in front of a bulldozer

Published 2008/ Book

Published 2008 (As used by the 99% Spring) This training manual is a big picture introduction to nonviolent direct action. It breaks down some of the myths of nonviolent action and explains the value, power, and rationale for direct action. This training manual also takes a glimpse into the moral and legal questions around direct action. It puts a special focus on a set of tactics called blockades – used especially

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Opening Space for Democracy: third-party nonviolent intervention training curriculum

Published 2004/ Book

Published 2004 The bible of third-party nonviolent intervention training. Hundreds of training activities in detail, over 60 handouts with the content of how to defend human rights against violence, an integrated 23-day curriculum, many tips for trainers, and mini-essays on pedagogical theory — all of this is included in the 634-page book available from Training for Change (TFC). Website: Opening Space for Democracy